Almost all of us are guilty of taking our partner for granted, at least when it comes to expressing our #Love. You probably assume your partner already know it, and maybe she or he does, but you need to do that tiny bit extra to show it. To remind him or her how special they are, and to remind yourself how lucky you are to have someone you love and who loves you back. Not everyone has that, you know! Even if your love doesn’t give you the heady rush anymore, even if it’s not the kind of love that sparked fireworks in your body, or lived up to your every expectation – it is still love! Express it in little ways. By giving your beloved a flower picked off the roadside, a foot massage, fixing a plate of comfort food on a down day, a hug for no reason or topping the coffee with a creamy heart.
Read more #100RulesOf Happiness on #SoulSherpa