Showing posts with label Inner Journeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inner Journeys. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 November 2014

What is yoga & what makes it so great

What is yoga?
Over five thousand years ago, Indian sages -- mystics, philosophers and thinkers drew upon life and death to discover  a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that harmonized the body, mind and spirit. This was called #yoga, one of the greatest tools of wellbeing for humanity.

What does “yoga” mean?
The term “yoga” derived from Sanskrit word, means “yoking together” or  “union”. It stands for bringing together, connection and communion. In terms of yoga, the union stands for the ever-present unification of the individual spirit or self, called jiva, and the universal spirit or self, called atman. In a larger sense, it denotes the confluence of individual consciousness with the collective or #UniversalConsciousness. In yogic thought, this state of authentic union is known as enlightenment or self-realization. Through the various practices of yoga we are able to comprehend the divine eternal spirit that connects and flows through all of us.

Is yoga a Hindu religious practice?
Absolutely not. Although it originated in India and was practiced by Hindu sages and then people in general, it can in no way be misunderstood to be a religious practice. At best, you could call it a practice for holistic well-being, which includes spiritual wellbeing. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines religion as “the belief in a God or a group of Gods”. However, Yoga is certainly not connected to any God – although it was so beneficial that even the Gods practiced it! 

Despite the loud hoo-haa, especially in the United States, over banning yoga for being a religious Hindu practice, in reality it’s simply a philosophy aiming at the mystical union of the self with the Supreme Force. And this is done in a state of complete awareness, awakening and tranquility, through certain physical and mental exercises. 

So what’s the big deal about yoga and why is it considered better than regular exercise?
There’s a reason why yoga saw such a tsunamic wave and acceptance across the globe, and why it’s considered much more beneficial than most forms of exercise. While regular workouts are great and serve well in promoting physical wellbeing, that’s all they do – focus only on the physical! Yoga, on the other hand, is a discipline that approaches human wellness in a more comprehensive and holistic manner. It balances the mind and body, along with our subtle energy systems such as the chakras (vortexes of energy or chi). This is done through the use of breath control, simple #meditation, and specific bodily postures, that promote relaxation, peace, equilibrium and good health.

Yoga also helps in eliminating a variety of health problems related to almost all our body parts and functions, such as the heart, circulation, digestion, respiratory, endocrine and reproductive organs. As well as psychological issues such as depression.

Yoga & the importance of physical awakening
Physical awakening is the first step in the yoga journey. Yoga merges the movement of breath with our consciousness, while the physical body merges with the movement and stillness of asanas or postures. This creates physical, mental and emotional balance, and well-being.  It harmonizes the body, mind and spirit that promotes better healthy and a more vibrant, energized state of being.

Yoga as an inner journey
The nature of yoga is revealed to us through practice. It is a non-verbal process, an inner journey to the true center of the soul, which is the source of all happiness and ultimately the union or non-separateness. This inner journey follows many simultaneous paths. The key ones are the pursuit of personal integrity and moral restraint, physical exercises and breathing techniques, and the development of concentration or “one-pointedness” – that leads us to meditation, and through that, with regular practice its helps us attain the ultimate bliss of self realization. 

How does meditation help in yogic practice?
Meditation helps us expand our awareness of ourselves and the ways in which we relate to the universe and its creations. It enables us to live fully in each moment with joy, contentment, serenity and love. It stills the endless mental chatter that saps our energy and creates stress and negativity. Regular practice can transform our relationships and renew our energy. By freeing the mind from the daily noise and clutter, we can find spiritual wisdom in a state of expanded awareness. 

How many styles of yoga are there and how do I choose?
Today there are over 800 styles of yoga. These are versions promoted by different gurus and the range of styles vary from the traditional #Ashthanga, #Iyengar and #Kundalini yoga  to the more trendy versions like hot, power, yin, aerial and #BikramYoga.   Many of the new-age variations are hybrids that take the essence of yoga and combine it with different elements like ramped up cardio, overheated studios, and even martial art forms. 

It’s important to research the styles carefully before choosing one. Begin by defining your goals and what you hope to achieve through the practice.  Talk to the instructors and get a clear understanding of how that particular style will match your goals and help you. Do not get swayed by trends, gimmicks and advertising drives. Personally, I am a big fan of the traditional styles, but finally it’s your body, your goals and your choices. Choose well and enjoy the absolutely marvelous benefits of yoga.

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Serenity Prayer : Say it everyday or when the times get tough!

This is a short and simple prayer, that can be said by anyone, irrespective of your religious or spiritual beliefs. Simple as it may be, if said regularly  it is immensely powerful.

As the name suggests -- this prayer brings peace and serenity to your being. Try it. Will only take  a few moments. Feel free to say it anywhere. At any time. And as frequently as you like.


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
The courage to change the things I can...
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Remind yourself of all the miraculous in the mundane, and struggle hard not to get too far ahead of where you are.

Yesterday is the past,
Tomorrow is yet to come
The only thing you really have is today
Start with the now
Do what you need to do for today
And tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

Friday, 11 April 2014

How To Use Visualization

Thoughts become things.

These three simple words are the most  and effectively changing your life. But there is a method to applying this mantra, and that is through #visualization, which can become your personal genie!

Visualization is a very powerful mental technique that uses your imagination to make your dreams come to life.  It has proven to work for centuries. It has been found in some form across almost all religious practices. It has been widely applied by Buddhists, Wiccans and other ancient practices. In the 19th century the concept came into the limelight thanks to the New Thought movement. However, in recent times, one book and a movie created waves across the world.  Based on the same principle, ‘The Secret’ showed millions across the world how they could control their destiny using techniques such as visualization.

What many people don’t know still is that visualization (though known by other names) is used extensively in motivational and confidence building programmes, as part of military training and by sports people to mentally envision meeting their end target or goal. It is also used for training sales staff by repeatedly making them visualize themselves closing the sale.

Interestingly for sceptics, in the past decade, quantum physics has actually lent further credence to the fact that thoughts do actually have an effect on our reality. And thousands of experiments across the world now confirm this.

What is visualization?
Visualization is the practice of picturing your goals in order to attain them. It’s about using your mind and imagination to build mental images and guide positive intention to achieve your objectives. Through visualization, we create a vivid road map for both our conscious and subconscious mind. And once we can “see” something in our head, our mind finds it easier to achieve it. After all, everything that man created was first a thought, which he visualized.

How does visualization work?
Science and spirituality both agree that everything in the universe is interconnected. And that everything, even thoughts, are made of energy and have a vibrational frequency. Every thought you have sends out a vibration that influences everything around you. This in turn triggers a chain reaction that impacts how you create your own reality.  It’s like a ripple effect created by throwing a pebble in water.

On an internal level, when you have repetitive thoughts, the subconscious mind starts believing them and begins acting on them. If these thoughts are accompanied by images and emotions, the subconscious becomes even more efficient and gets into hyper-drive. This combined with the fact that thoughts have a magnetic effect and attract other similar thoughts and circumstances, is how your thoughts determine your reality.  And visualization becomes the vehicle for your thoughts to travel to the destination of your choice, thereby also creating a reality of your choice. 

The first step before you get started is to relax yourself completely, both physically and mentally. When you are relaxed it becomes easier to visualize and you also gain direct access to your subconscious, which plays a key role in creating the results you want. This is how you can get in to a relaxed state…

Wear comfortable clothing and loosen anything tight around your body, such as a tie, belt  or drawer string. Remove your shoes.
Find a quiet place. Sit on a comfortable couch or lie down. Avoid a cover as that could make you too relaxed and put you to sleep.
Adjust the room temperature and keep it moderate. If you like music, you can play soft, instrumental music at a low volume.
Relax each part of your body, working upwards from your toes to your head.
Close your eyes and deep breathe for a few minutes. Four to five minutes is ideal.
Once you are relaxed, with your eyes closed, picture a juicy red apple (or any fruit of your choice) in great detail. Notice its colour, its texture and size. Where is it lying? What is around it? Are there any other details that you can see? This is a warm up to the actual visualization exercise.
You may now begin…

How to visualize…

1. Decide what you want. Get Specific.
In the beginning, you mind may be filled with a hundred different thoughts. But just like you can make a genie only grant one wish at a time, each visualization exercise has to focus on one goal at a time. Filter your thoughts and narrow down the exact things you desire. For example, if your desire is to be happy, you need to break down what will bring you happiness. Is it a good partner, a great job and/or a beautiful house? Whatever your goal, be specific. Remember, only when you name it, can you claim it!

2. Take baby steps
To start with, it’s a good idea to define short term goals that may seem achievable to you. Like visualize yourself having a really good time at an office party that you are dreading. Once you have just one or two smaller successes with visualization, you will see how your mind becomes more receptive, and your confidence to achieve larger goals gets bolstered.

3. Do not counter-visualize
Give yourself some time to grow with the practice and be patient and gentle with yourself. Visualization is a not a long and hard process, but impatience can make it difficult and even work as counter-visualization. “This will not work for me” or “I just can’t do this” are examples of counter-visualization. Avoid this at all costs.

4. Visualize in the present tense, stay focused and strong
Once you decide what you want, imagine it as though it is happening in the present tense - NOW! It can be tough in the beginning, especially if your current situation is contrary to your goal; for example, thinking of prosperity in the midst bankruptcy. Or finding a wonderful partner when none is in sight. But stay focused and you will soon see things change. 

5. Visualize in first person
It is very important that you picture everything from the first person’s point of view, which is YOUR point of view. All the good things that you wish to happen to you, must literally be unfolding around you, just the way they would in real life.

6. Make your own Mind Movie
You are the director and the hero of your life’s movie. Visualize your goal in great detail, see it unfold like a movie and play it out repeatedly on your mind’s screen. Then start to “feel” all the emotions attached to it. Feelings turbo charge your thoughts, so go ahead and feel the happiness, pride and bliss of seeing your dream come to life.  Play your movie as often as you can through each day. It's a very useful visualization tool.

7. Create a Vision Board
Take a board on which you can stick all the things you want to attract into your life. Put your picture in the centre and start collecting images that represent your goals… things, emotions, kind of people or situations that you wish to attract into your life. Have fun with your board and place it where you can see it several times a day.

8. Let gadgets help…
Use your computer to make a slide show that has pictures of things related to your goal. These can be similar to the stuff you can use on the vision board. Add powerful affirmations or inspirational quotes. Put a music track that uplifts and inspires you and once it is done, put it on your desktop or someplace where you will be able to access it easily. Load on to your cell phone if your model supports it. And play it at least thrice a day – during a coffee break, on the way to work or instead spending time surfing aimlessly! This will continuously deliver messages to your subconscious mind, thereby creating a subtle shift in your belief systems and aligning them with your goals.

Overcome initial hiccups…
When practicing visualization for the first few times, you may find that you are not being able to make up pictures in your mind - at least not right away. Don’t let that bother you as it is a commonly experienced hiccup. Some of us are stronger visually, while others are stronger kinaesthetically (with feelings). If you are the latter type, you may first experience a feeling and that can lead to visualizing the scene.

In addition, if you believe you can't visualize, then maybe you are setting the wrong expectations for yourself.  Don’t expect your "visualizing" or “picturing” ability to straight away be as clear as something you see with your eyes open. Or on the TV screen or even during a vivid dream. The images you see during visualization will become clearer with practice, but the most important thing to bear in mind is that it’s not the image quality that holds the power of visualization - it's the feelings!

If you can feel that you're involved with something you imagine, then you're doing creative visualization. Feelings and emotions are our most primitive and also our most reliable inner guidance system. They change our biochemistry and the vibration of our energy, both of which are the activating forces behind the law of attraction! As long as you can recreate using any of your senses, it shows that you have the ability to visualize.

Just be open and begin with the sense that you're able to work with most easily. If you want to open a bakery in the mountains, and can’t “see it too well” right at the beginning, then start by smelling the mountain air, or the aroma of freshly baked bread. Or feeling the morning nip in the air or the warmth from the ovens. See what instinctively feels right for you. And while you are overcoming the hiccups, constantly remind yourself that you can do this, because you can…unless you're in a coma!

Making Visualization work for you…

1. Practice. Practice. Practice.
The key to effective visualization is regular practice. Only once you do that will the subconscious and the universe get mobilized to help you achieve your goal. So no matter what happens, keep aside at least 20 minutes everyday to visualize. Excuses for not being regular will only hamper and delay your own happiness.

2. Supplements, Not Shortcuts
Making vision boards or visualization boards, and slide shows are supplements for your visualization. Do not think that once you make these you can simply keep watching them and not spend any time visualizing in your mind. That’s like trying to get muscular without exercising.

3. Junk the passive experience
If at any point your mind movie, vision board or slide show becomes a passive experience – one that you just go through without any feelings attached – then it’s time to junk it and start afresh. Maybe the images don’t resonate with you any more. They don’t trigger a reaction. Where there are no feelings, there will be no results.

4. Keep your friends close, but your dreams closer
Your dreams are yours alone. Keep them close to yourself and pursue your visualization practice privately without sharing details with others as their reactions may affect the outcome. Some people are cynical, others may mock you and even if it is harmless, you do not need that to affect your subconscious and come in the way of fulfilling your dreams. And you can also do without the negative vibrations of cynics and jealous individuals.

5. Express Gratitude
Would you rather spend hours in the sweltering heat cooking for some one who comes, eats and shows no appreciation for your time and effort? Or cook for someone who wholehearted enjoys and appreciates all that you have done? Who will you enthusiastically cook for again?  Most people would pick the latter, because gratitude is a great motivator. Even for your subconscious and the universe at large. So when you see even little goals being achieved through visualization, take the time to express your gratitude.

6. Stop being cynical and approach it with an open heart and mind
If you don't have true belief in your heart you will sabotage any attempts at visualization. So keep your self-talk positive, reassuring and always expect the best out of every situation in life. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have and the more you learn to use it to your positive advantage, the better your life will be.

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Thursday, 3 April 2014

11 Things You Must Know About Past Life Regression

More and more people seem to be ready to explore, even experience Past Life Regression (PLR). Authors like Brian Weiss, TV shows, media attention and celebrities have piqued the curiosity of the masses and the number of calls I received for sessions shot up radically. It's definitely a hot buzzword for explorers of the fourth dimension. 

Is it true? Is it not? Who was I? How do I get my exciting ride back in time? What's the plot of my "past life movie" ? How can I watch it?  These have since been some the most often asked questions.

Believe it or debunk it, here are the Top 10 things you need to know about Past Life Regression before you explore it further.

1. Explore with a purpose: 
If you are going for a PLR session, approach it with a purpose…to resolve an issue ...such as a problem, a blockage, an unexplained fear, obsession or phobia, a difficult relationship, inexplicable love or hatred for a person, a negative behaviour pattern, a health issue that doctors can’t find a reason for. Don’t just go for a joyride.

2. Talk openly about the issue with you therapist:
Trust your therapist and discuss your issue in detail as sometimes there is an underlying issue that may emerge. When you get started, your therapist will guide  you to search through your soul’s history, in order to get to the source---the root cause behind your specific issue. However, do bear in mind that often the  genesis of ones problem lies very much in this life. It may exist as a suppressed memory of a traumatic event that created deep impact during ones childhood. Or sexual and physical assault. In such cases, it's common for the mind to blank out a particularly painful memory in its attempt to protect you. And it's the therapist's job to explore both the possibilities. What that means is that your regression may be back to the earlier years of this life, not just another life time.

I strongly feel that it's always more beneficial to visit a therapist who is also a counselor as they can then not just regress you but also help you deal with the issues that may bubble up to the surface. 

3. What is regression? 
The word regression usually means to go back to or to return to something. Yet, it is something more. It means looking at your projected future in terms of your past behavior... somewhat like a line graph. It is the ability of the unconscious mind to retrieve historical memories from childhood or previous lives, usually through hypnotic regression or altered state consciousness. Past Life Therapy searches emotionally or physically traumatic life memories for therapeutic purposes.

4. How will it help me?
Past Life Regression is a therapy that has helped and healed people spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and even financially. Your reflection upon the past can bring meaning, understanding, and insight to the present. It can often even lend a fresh perspective to a situation and reveal implications for working with related issues in the future. For example, an event or behaviour from the past could well be a pattern that gets repeated, in essence, with minor, predictable changes. Any repeated negative behavior pattern usually leads to problems and therefore needs to be broken. But in order to break away, one has to first  travel back and find the life where this pattern was generated and then get down to its  root cause. You can only fix a problem once you find it. 

5. Where does past life recall come from?
Past-life recall comes from long-term memory banks that are stored within the subconscious and the universal consciousness. The soul's detailed history is stored in its Akashic Records which are connected to the subconscious mind. Think of these records like the Sky Drive of your soul. Like storing your important information on Cloud. 

Akashic Records is a term used in ancient scriptures for a ‘universal filing system’ which records every occurring thought, word, and action. They are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. 

Through regression sessions, one can gain access to your records, particularly to the section related to the issue you are exploring and this happens through certain states of consciousness.

6. How long does it take to access a past life?
You may or may not gain access to your past memories in the first session. While some people can access these within minutes or during their first session itself, there are some who take up to a few sessions. Be patient with yourself and your therapist. Sometimes the mind takes a bit longer than you like to reveal its secrets. 

7. How many sessions will I need?
That depends from individual to individual. Some people find the answers to what they need right in the first session, while others need a few sessions to go through different lives to find their answers. In case your regression sessions are to take you back to your current life time, these may also take one to four sessions as sometimes the subconscious is not willing to let go of the control over the metaphoric "key" to your hidden matters.

8. Will I remember what I see/ hear and experience while accessing my past life and will it play like a movie?
Yes, everyone remembers most details of what they see, hear and experience, even when they are back in their state of full awareness in the present life. Your memories could be as clear as a vivid dream. Or they may be faint impressions.  Don't go expecting anything and just flow with what happens. An experienced therapist will take notes of all the critical points and discuss it with you later --- or at least she SHOULD! 

9. Can I record my session?
You could request your therapist to record you session on an audio or video device. This may cost you extra and not all therapists will be willing to do it for the simple reason that if another person is needed for the recording, then it can become a distraction for the therapist, and may make you more self conscious and therefore reduce the efficacy of the session. If the therapist is recording herself, it may become a distraction for her. Some therapists simply may not be comfortable recording in any case. It's important to respect their wishes.

10. Can I stop my journey into a past life at any time if I want to?
Yes, certainly. You can ask your therapist to bring you back to your regular state of awareness in your present life at any point during the session. Remember that you are always in control and conscious, so if you do not want to explore something or go down a certain path or life, you can just say so and the therapist will guide you back. Do bear in mind though that some memories might make you uncomfortable, sad or angry, but experiencing them could eventually be vital to addressing you core issue. 

11. Will seeing a “bad” past life have any lasting repercussions on my present life? 
NO! Absolutely not!! But there is a rider to this. Your therapist MUST be able to make you close the loop or wound of a difficult or hurtful past life through energy healing before getting you back to your present life. Once this is done, there will be no lasting “side effects” or repercussions on your present life. This is also why a therapist who is also a counsellor, helps. In case you have seen or discovered something terribly hurtful from this or another life (for example abuse by a parent or someone you trust), the counsellor can work with you in resolving the issue over a few sessions. 

11. Can I do Past Life Regression in a group session?
Although it is possible to do group regression, the actual value and benefits are far more pronounced during individual sessions. In group sessions, the therapist can not guide you individually. Nor can you talk about what you are experiencing or seeing. You have to do all this silently and internally and the therapist can only give more generic guidance to all those in a group.

Finally, you must remember that we have all had lives where we were victims and ones where we were the perpetrators and some where we were neither. But our subconscious only gives us access to as much as we can handle. This is why some people take long to access their past lives… as the subconscious feels they may not be ready to handle it just yet. Life is a journey. Embrace it with an open heart and mind.

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Friday, 28 March 2014

Check Out The Spiritual Marketplace

Welcome to the spiritual marketplace, where the sacred is on a fast-track to becoming secular. This is where society is dizzy with commercial clamor and religion has become yet another product, being sold in the consumer souk. And it’s competing with a myriad of more colorful, gratifying and dazzling pursuits.  

There is some tough competition to keep up with. To remain relevant, religion is quickly transforming into brands that are a celestial union between commerce and faith. And it’s being done with by an army of new age clergy-- MBAs, image consultants, design & tech gurus, publicists, salesmen, mavericks and media moguls.  Like other successful businesses, their focus is to draw “consumers,” build brand loyalty, and of course, add to the bottom-line! But how are these brands of faith being built and what goes behind them? Here’s the #HolyGrail of the haloed razzle-dazzle of religion in the 21st Century.

Even Faith Needs Branding
The secret is out. Religion has gone on the marketplace. #FaithBranding is the mantra that treats religion as a product and uses the latest marketing gospel to "push" this product in a media-dominated culture. #BrandStrategists are working closely with religious groups and helping them to reinvent or identify core values that make them stand apart. They are crafting communication strategies and constructing distinct brands that are recognizable to the general public. And their designers are creating logos and icons that will go a long way in brand building.

Leaders Need An Image
The #Bhagavad Gita said, “We are what we eat.” But image consultants have given it their own spin, “We are what we look.” Religious leaders and #gurus seemed to have homed into this mantra instinctively and created their own stereotypes. The long, flowy bearded look is still the most popular with male gurus, even though they travel only in their bulletproof, uber luxury limos, Harleys or private jets. Whilst the ma-in-a-simple-cotton-sari look has remained on top with female gurus. An image, it seems is the sacrosanct stepping-stone into the godly playground.

Distinct Is Divine
When it comes to #marketing religious leaders, lack of distinction could be the death knell in the crowded space of spiritual solutions. So distinction works wonders. PR bigwigs strongly advise on a distinct USP that can make you memorable and #newsworthy. From being an alien, to healing through hugs or being dolled up as the eternal bride in dazzling jewelry that could feed a small nation. Whatever your #SpiritualTrademark, it’s vital to have one. And be creative!

Talk! Show! Talk!
Would #Shiva or #Jesus appear on a talk show? If the new age publicists had their way, they most definitely will. And they may also be commenting on politics and promoting the herbal medicines and mats they sell! Modern day #Godmen are religious superstars. They court the media and it’s a mutually beneficial love affair. One only has to look at the long list of #televangelists who have risen from obscurity to mega fame, thanks to daily gigs on the idiot box. After all, visibility and recall are the buzzwords for any successful brand. It’s all about being out there and in-your-face, for the way to a devotee’s heart may well be through their TV screen. Oh, and scriptures apart, they must master the art of zippy sound bites.

Be A Digital Shepard
The new generation of dharma leaders can no longer escape the power of texting, #Facebook, #Twitter and other online #social media, as young people today are neurologically adapted to a digital lifestyle. Even the #Pope has gone digital and the #Vatican has an all-new online avatar that reaches out to millions of Catholics worldwide. The Vatican’s website provides access the Pope’s encyclicals, homilies, apostolic letters and info on basilicas and chapels. And it seems like a good way to herd followers from all over the world to one centralized online destination.

However, the #Gospel is not all that is being globalized. Other faiths have been quick to harness this digital power; mobilizing people for missions, garnering new followers and boosting funding. In fact, #Jews worldwide are attending virtual Seders, Buddhist scholars are imparting dharma teachings through podcasts, and apps like iQuran are enabling people to read scriptures on the run.

Garner Celebrity Endorsements
Brand consultants are all in agreement over the fact that the popularity of faiths get hugely boosted with celebrity endorsements. In this celeb crazy culture, religion needs it’s own poster people to keep it hot and in the news. See what Tom Cruise did for #Scientology, Madonna for the #Kaballah, Richard Gere for #Buddhism and Julia Roberts for Hinduism. They suddenly got scores of people interested in the faiths they were endorsing.  They made these faiths “cool.” And cool is a hot-seller in every market!

Manufacture Divinity
Religious leaders are digging their heels in the nirvana bazaar by creating heavenly products that give followers a tangible piece of the sublime. It’s something they can take home, use, watch and most importantly, spend on! Like mementos gathered along the spiritual path to #enlightenment. Reminders of spiritual growth and gurus. Some of the most popular religious leaders have flourishing businesses that run purely on their product lines of spiritual gifts and goods. From selling soaps, shampoos, candles, #Ayurvedic elixirs, #yoga mats, apparel, incense, spiritual music, books, organic foods and self-help workshops, there’s something for everyone. What better, devotees make a loyal consumer base, with malls and insatiable online shopping appetites further adding to lustre of divine currency.

The bottom-line, is that like it or loathe it, in these times of attention deficits, quick fixes, hype, publicity, marketing blitzkriegs, online promotions and PR coups, religious commercialism is here to stay. While repackaging religion to stay pertinent may be necessary, what remains to be seen is if the content gets obscured in frivolousness. Even more importantly, will the sacred loose its Unique Selling Proposition – the very ability to rise above the mundane and the materialistic? Perhaps the answer may lie in a sound bite!

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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How Intuition Works

In the past decade, the world at large and India in particular, has seen a disturbing upswing in crime. Wading through these dangerous times often requires more than just common sense, security devices and pepper sprays. Naturally people are turning to all sorts of high tech gadgets in an attempt to achieve better levels of security. However, almost everyone is forgetting to access one of the most powerful warning systems ever created. The underrated, under utilized and inbuilt security mechanism -- our Inner Warrior, our intuition! 

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What is Intuition?
 is a gut feeling, instinct, hunch or thought that seems to have no apparent reason and comes without any conscious thinking or explanation. An intuition can be positive or come as a warning message. It’s your inbuilt biological survival sensor and can be extremely perceptive and powerful. It can detect danger before you are consciously aware of it. So never ignore it! Recognize it, respect it, and act on it. If your warning bells are going off, there is always something wrong. Avoid analyzing your intuition as it’s a warning and needs urgent action, a delay can convert into a disaster in no time. 

Think about it. Have you ever had a really bad feeling about something, but put it aside because you thought you were being paranoid, stupid or judgmental, and found that your first intuition was right? Or found someone creepy and they lived up to that notion. Or have you ever changed your travel plans based on a bad feeling and found out the car or plane ended in a crash? Or for that matter, got a call and even before answering, you knew who it was? All these situations are examples of seeing your intuition at play. 

How Does #Intuition Work?
We all get intuitions, and there is nothing mysterious or supernatural about them. The reason we don’t always pay heed to them is because we value logic and intuitions can’t be easily explained. However, there is a scientific way in which intuition works. The brain processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. But, we are only aware of 2,000 of those. That means our subconscious has access to a lot more than we are consciously aware of. That’s why it’s in a better position to make evaluations, and the moment it finds something important, amiss or potentially threatening, it immediately transmits an urgent signal to us in the form of a gut feel or an intuition. That’s why you must always pay attention to your intuitive feelings.

Intuitive Signals
People often don’t recognize their intuitions because they can’t grasp its signals. Intuitions can come in the form of physical sensations such as panic, a weird vibe, feeling of being watched, chills in the spine, pressure or repulsion from a person or situation, hair standing, tightness in the chest, butterflies in the stomach, visual images, unusual suspicion or wariness, “gut” feeling, uncomfortable feeling you can’t put your finger on, verbal messages, physical sensations, emotional feelings, inexplicable change in mood, tingles, sudden headache or environmental cues. 

Trusting Yours Alarm Bells
Many rape and assault victims confess that they sensed something amiss or had an “uneasy” feeling about a person or a place, just prior to the crime. Like Rani (name changed) who was assaulted and raped in broad daylight, in a posh neighborhood, later told investigators that she felt a strange vibe from a male jogger. However, he was well dressed and logically, nothing seemed amiss, so she told herself she was being suspicious and continued jogging. A few minutes later, the man turned around, stabbed her, dragged her into a construction site, raped her and left her bleeding. She was found unconscious, a day later and lost an eye.

Understand Reality -- And Face It
Denial is the biggest enemy of real safety. It’s important to accept that anyone can be a victim of crime, irrespective of how you travel, what wear, where you live and hang out. An “It won’t happen to me” attitude just leaves you in denial. Only when you accept this fact, will you become aware of the warning signs when you receive them. Understand reality so that you can take the right precautions because when you are in an emergency, it’s too late to start thinking about what to do.

Don’t Be Fooled
Clearly, intuition is a powerful phenomenon as most attacks come with some kind of warning. However, as majority of crimes against women are committed by people known to them, they tend to ignore the warnings bells, thinking, “What’s wrong with me?, “I know him.” Stereotypes are another common barrier between you and your intuition. Thoughts like, he looks “so nice” or “decent.” Remember looks can be deceptive. Don’t forget that rapists and criminals, mostly look like anyone else. But your intuition can pick clues that can help safeguard you against them, if you pay attention to their warnings. 

Recently a girl was walking to her car, outside a suburban mall. Her had way too many bags in her hands, when a “nice’ man offered to help with her bags. She took his help but as they walked something made her very comfortable. As she opened the car, the man hit her with a blunt object, dumped her in the boot, and drove off. If only she has acted on her instinct, things may have turned out differently for her.

Better Safe, Than Sorry
Social good manners often make us ignore our intuition, especially with seemingly friendly predators, and the harmless looking man in the car park, the acquaintance with a weird vibe or even a unnerving relative. Always err on the side of caution. Don’t be afraid of people’s opinions, even if they make you feel awkward or embarrassed. If your gut says someone is dangerous, work briskly to put safe distance between you and the person who is causing you discomfort, even if it causes some inconvenience. Too many women give a predator the benefit of the doubt and face severe consequences. If you are feeling uneasy walking to the car park, ask someone to accompany you, make them wait till you check car while, quickly get in, lock all doors and drive off. 

Lethal Weapon
Sometimes your intuition alone may not be sharp enough, as you are not used to listening to it. Or because it’s drowned in the din of a hectic day. Besides, your perpetrator may be a great con artist. But when you combine intuition with common sense, it becomes the Lethal Weapon of safety. Integrate sensible safety precautions in your daily life, irrespective of weather your alarm bells are on or off, and follow them diligently.

Beware of Traps
Predators have very creative minds when it comes to luring and trapping their victims. They can pretend to be helpless, lost, offer help of some sort, land up at your doorstep offering some service, sometimes they publicize false jobs and call you for fake interviews, may come visiting when you are alone, take you somewhere on the pretext of showing you something and sometimes they even hide in dark corners, taking out the voice of a child or a woman in need of help. Be careful and alert and if you get a fleeting negative instinct, act on it. Call for help or get out of there.

Promise yourself to always listen to your intuition and act on it. Even if it is wrong on occasion. It is most definitely better to err on the side of caution than to get pinned in an uncomfortable, dangerous corner. Or worse, land up raped, beaten or dead. 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

All About Hugs & Hugging

Hug someone everyday! You'll be amazed to see the difference it makes to your life. Here is how and why...
Hug= Energy Exchange 
A hug is a simple and universal gesture that instantly creates a  positive exchange of energy between two people. When you hug someone, you bond with them – you literally become closer to their heartbeat. You share their energy space with them. You enter their auric field, as they enter yours. This creates a very powerful connection. That’s why a hug can break big barriers and build bonds that can alter not only how you feel at that moment, but also how you feel for a long time after. 

Photo: David HT
Hug = Every Emotion
Hugs are a simple gesture with which we establish human contact and communicate a gamut of emotions. They create bonds that are deep and silent, both in times of happiness and sorrow. Depending on the situation, they can be encouraging, immensely comforting and healing. Hugs can even be congratulatory and celebratory. They can also be effective in dissolving a personal argument between two people. It’s true! A genuine smile and a warm hug can dissolve a misunderstanding faster than hours of arguing and anger.

Hug = Touch = Intrinsic Human Need
Human beings are inherently social creatures that thrive on touch. This is a very intrinsic need for all of us, and hugging is the most neutral yet powerful expression of the same. Remember your time as a child and how you ran to your mother for a hug when anything went wrong? Recall the time when your best friend hugged you because you were down? Remember the deep and instant comfort the embrace brought you? Those are just some of the examples of what a hug has done for most of us in the past. Now, it’s time to make sure it’s part of your present . In fact consider every hug you give or get as a present—a gift -- Because it truly is.

Hug = Gift
Unfortunately many of us abandon this beautiful gift of hugging as we grow up. Societal and gender conditioning often hold us back from hugging. Sometimes one does not hug coz it’s “not man enough.” At other times it may be considered “inappropriate to be demonstrative.” Whatever your reason, if you are hoarding your hugs, it’s time to start sharing them right now. A hug is as much a gift for the giver as it is for the recipient. So go on --- hug your family, friends, acquaintances and even your co-workers when the occasion demands. In fact, make sure you even hug a tree. Seriously!

Hug = Tree
Hugging a tree is no longer considered some hippy or new age hogwash. In fact, scientific research has shown that touching and even better, hugging a tree does make you healthier. People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), low concentration levels, slow reactions, headaches, fatigue, loneliness ,depression and children with cognitive and emotional difficulties can all apparently  benefit from the practice. How you may ask? The answer supposedly lies in the fact that that every living and non living thing has a vibrational frequency that has a biological effect on other being that interact with it. And the vibrational frequency of trees has a very positive impact on human beings.

Hug = Understanding
To help the uber rational, left brain readers understand the precise meaning of a hug, encapsulates it as the following:

1. To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
2. To hold steadfastly to; cherish.
3. To stay close to
4. To embrace or cling together closely.
For the right brained readers, I have collected the following meanings:
1. It’s something you can wrap around a person, but can’t wrap in a box
2. It’s what people need to stay happy
3. It’s energy transfer between humans that boosts the immune system
4. It’s a free gift that connects people and waters our soul

Hug = Hug Right
When you hug, it’s important to do it right. And the only right in the world of hugging is that you hug from a genuine and true place in your heart. 

Be warm as the social hugs people give each other these days (ones that are accompanied usually with the air kisses) do not really count as hugs. Nor do they have the impact of a real hug. This does not mean you need to crush all those you hug with an overwhelming bear hug, but it does mean sincere and well meaning physical contact. Weather frontal or from the side is a choice you need to make. The best social hugs generally last about three seconds because apparently human emotions operate in bursts of 3 seconds!!! But if your hugging someone who is essentially uncomfortable or shy with the concept, then even a short, fleeting hug will do.

Hug = Daily Nourishment
A hug a day will keep the doctor away. So whatever else you do, grab your daily hug as diligently as you grab your morning tea or coffee. Make it a part of your daily diet and see how it nourishes your soul and adds to your overall happiness and well being. Hug well, live well, stay happy! 

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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

What's An Aura & How Do I Cleanse it?

All living creatures contain the #UniversalLifeEnergy. This creates an #ElectroMagnetic field called an aura. It is formed from the flow of life energy through and around your body. Many religious paintings depict this in the form of halos, which are just a small part of the #aura.

Your aura emanates all around you and is a good indicator of your physical, mental and #EmotionalState. Just as a weak body is prone to disease, so is a weak aura. A strong, clear aura reflects your overall wellbeing. In fact, according to ancient #HinduScriptures, a person’s aura reflects their #CoreValues. It’s a mirror to their soul’s intentions, past experiences, vitality, character, strength and spiritual signature.

Your Energy Clothing
Your aura is like your #EnergyClothing. Think of it as an energy trench coat that comes between you and bad weather. And just like your trench coat gets soiled with dirt and pollutants from your environment, so does your aura.  In fact, it has a somewhat magnetic and sponge-like quality that pulls and absorbs negative energies that float all around. Stuff you commonly call “bad vibes.”

#BadVibes or NegativeEnergy is the vibration that escapes when someone experiences negative emotions such as fear, desperation, jealousy, sorrow, anger, regret, hopelessness or rejection. These affect the atmosphere and people in it. They can make your moods spiral, make you dull, pessimistic, suspicious and sick. They can even make your relationships and work take a hammering. And all this happens through your aura, as it is what extends far beyond your body and therefore becomes your gateway to external energies. This is why it’s so important to clean it frequently.

There are many different methods by which you can #CleanseYourAura. Here are just a few methods that you can try.

Deep breathing & #visualization
Sit comfortably in a quiet corner. Relax your body and deep breathe. Imagine that you are sitting under a waterfall of light -- beautiful white or golden light. In your mind’s eye, see this light flowing all over you like water and cleansing you of all negativity and impurities. Do it for at least ten minutes. Then take a few deep breaths before slowly opening your eyes

Use #HealingInstruments
Prayer instruments like Tibetan bells, singing bowls, conch and gongs produce powerful vibrations that cleanse your aura. Pick an instrument that feels right and that you can use. Then settle into a quiet space and focus on the sound of the instrument and feel its powerful vibrations interact with you. Do it for at least ten minutes and the sound vibrations will dissipate all negativity from your aura.

Chant #OM

Of all the sacred sounds on this planet, “OM ” is considered one of the oldest vocal sounds in existence—an original, primordial sound, the mantra of creation. It is said to be the sound that contains the totality of all other sounds. #Chanting it aloud several times purifies your atmosphere and aura. It connects you to the universal life force of all creation vibrating at the same wavelength.

Smudge your Aura
Smudging is an ancient #Hindu technique of purification that’s also been practiced by ancient civilizations like the #Egyptians and #NativeAmericans. Here is how you do it. Light some smudge sticks or thick incense and outline you entire body with the smoke.  This works even better if someone else can do it for you because they can walk around you completely. The smoke draws out the negative energy, neutralizes it and purifies your aura.

Take a warm bath or shower
Prepare a warm bath in a bathtub. Add 3 tablespoons of sea salt or crystal salts. Avoid adding chemicals like soap. Sink in to the bath. Imagine the water seeping through all the layers of your aura, drawing out negativity, leaving it bright and cleansed. Alternatively, add the salts to a large bucket of water. Or rub them gently on your body and stand under a shower. In both cases, imagine the water washing away all the negativity from your aura.

Swinging & Running
When you are swinging or running, your body pushes through the air and this strains and clears your aura. But remember just a regular run is not enough. You have to run in a way where your arms move freely. Or run with your arms perpendicular to your body, like the wings of an aircraft. And run at whatever speed you find comfortable.

Ideally, you should clean your aura every morning and night. Make it an integral part of your #SpiritualHygiene. Just like how brushing your teeth is part of physical hygiene. By doing this daily, you not only protect yourself against spiritual, emotional and physical illnesses, but also promote better interpersonal relations and overall wellness.

All Content Copy Rights Reserved by Bindiya Murgai