Friday, 9 May 2014

100 Rules of Happiness: Rule 60

Don’t hide from your #fears. Face them! 

Fear is a powerful emotion, created to protect you from harm.  Its primal purpose is to keep you alive and safe, not to keep you from living life. When fear starts to dominates your thoughts, actions and life, it depletes your energy, generates negative emotions, clouds your self worth, prevents you from living fully and moving forward. 

You’ll find that at the bottom of every self-limiting belief and self-sabotaging behavior, lies a deeper fear of something. If left unaddressed, fear can fester, breed, attract more of what you’re afraid of, and eventually cause a lot of anxiety and distress.  The only way to overcome your fears is by accepting them. Understand them, label and explore them, instead of hiding from them. Get to the bottom of your fears, give them a expiry date and work systematically towards conquering them.


About the Author

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