Financial stress and pressure can become a huge impediment on the path to happiness. To get this out of the way, start managing your finances better right now. Live within your means, whatever they may be. Which means no overspending and actively avoiding debt. Here are few tips -- Freeze credit cards or use them only as an emergency back-up. Pay bills on time to avoid penalties. Simplify your life. Consume less. Look for better deals. Never spend more to keep up with others or appearances. Make a monthly budget and stick to it. Withdraw cash and allocate in envelopes according to your budget, and only spend from there. If you are taking a car or house loan, don’t get carried away and buy a fancier house or car than needed. Consider staying on rent. It often makes much more financial sense. Spend according to what you earn now, not what you will earn a few months or years from now. And no matter what happens, SAVE for an emergency fund.
Photo: 401kcalculator
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